[ANNOUNCE] Apache James 3.2.0 released
Tellier Benoit
2018-11-14 08:15:02 UTC
The Apache James community is proud to announce you the 3.2.0 release of
the Apache James server.

Apache James provides a complete, stable, secure and extendable Mail
Servers running on the JVM. More details about Apache James can be found
at: https://james.apache.org/

The release is available for download at:

Changes from 3.2.0 includes:

- Mail filtering on top of the JMAP protocol
- Webadmin APIs for reIndexing and healthChecks
- IMAP MOVE (RFC-6851) support on top of JPA
- JPA support for SIEVE script storage
- CLI commands for uploading SIEVE scripts
- Additional `RecipentDomainIs` and `SenderDomainIs` matchers

- Multiple libraries updates
- Migration from Cassandra 2 to Cassandra 3
- Mail::getSender was deprecated. Mail::getMaybeSender offers better
Null Sender support. Java 8 default API method was used to not break

- HBase and JCR component deprecation
- Drop partially implemented Kafka distributed events

We would like to thank all of contributors who made the release possible
and to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community
on the dev and users lists!

Best regards,


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